After a successful six-year partnership from 2018-2024, during which time the equivalent of 28 million meals were distributed with their support — AIB renewed its partnership with FoodCloud in June 2024 for another three years. AIB is our partner for our AIB FoodCloud Community Meals Programme. With AIB’s support, the programme increases social impact by offering a new meal service to our charity partners. The projected impact of the programme is an additional 200,000 community meals, saving an additional 100 tonnes of surplus food from going to waste. Our long-term strategic partnership with AIB has been essential in supporting FoodCloud’s growth and impact.
Since 2018, AIB support has directly resulted in the redistribution of 14,558 tonnes of surplus food that would otherwise have gone to waste. That’s the equivalent of 34.6 million meals and 44,293 tonnes of Co2-equivalent saved. In that time, more than 2,400 AIB employees have donated more than 12,000 volunteer hours.