Frequently asked questions


Where are FoodCloud Hubs located?
Does FoodCloud accept hot or prepared food for charities?
Does FoodCloud accept leftovers or homemade products for charities?


What Is FoodCloud’s app called?
Where is Foodiverse being used?
How many monthly active users does Foodiverse have?


What services does FoodCloud provide charities?
What are the types of food that charities receive?
How does FoodCloud work?
How does FoodCloud hubs work?
What are the benefits for charities?
What about food safety?
How much does it cost?

Food Industry

What service does FoodCloud Hubs provide the food industry?
What type of food does FoodCloud Hubs accept?
How does FoodCloud Hubs work?
What are the benefits of the FoodCloud Hub solution?
What type of food businesses can sign up?
Where does the food go?
What about food safety?


What service does FoodCloud provide to retailers?
What type of food does FoodCloud accept?
How does FoodCloud work?
What are the benefits of the FoodCloud solution?
Where  FoodCloud operate?
What type of retailers can sign up?
Where does the food go?
What about food safety?
How much does FoodCloud cost?

ESF+ Food Support

What Is The ESF+ Food Support Programme?
Who ESF+ Food and Basic Material Support will be targeted at?
What role does FoodCloud play in the ESF+ Food Support Programme?
Who can I contact at FoodCloud about the ESF+ Food Support Programme?
How can a charity access the ESF+ Food Support Programme?