April 17, 2023

Community Corner: Feed Dublin

We are a charity organisation called Feed Dublin. The current times are extremely hard for many people, especially families and children. For many, once their rent and other maintenance costs are paid, they are left with little money for food. Our aim is to feed those who are struggling. In Ireland, food poverty is a growing problem. The Department of Social Protection has revealed that 10% of the Irish population lives in food poverty, and due to the rising cost of living in Dublin, we believe the situation here is even worse.

We are grateful that in Ireland, having generosity towards people in need is part of the culture. Through donations both from FoodCloud and through our website - www.feed-dublin.com/donate - we are able to provide a solution to many families. A basket of groceries from us can cover food supplies for 2-3 days, meaning they have more money to provide food for themselves the rest of the week. 

Every Sunday morning, our volunteers are out feeding the homeless on the streets of Dublin. We give them food and something hot to drink. We also deliver groceries to dozens of families weekly. But unfortunately, we’re finding the number of families in need is increasing. Our work is volunteer-led by people who do this work with passion because they see the needs of people all around and want to work together to help make a change for the better in the lives of adults and children. This is why our slogan is “Our City, Our People”
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