September 13, 2024

Community Corner: The Ballymun Community Food Club

In 2023, the Dublin Northwest Partnership and Northside Partnership, in partnership with Ballymun Child and Family Resource Centre ran a 12-week pilot program called the Ballymun Community Food Club. Instead of a more traditional food parcel service, this pilot allowed its members to pay a small weekly fee of €5, giving them access to fresh food in a social supermarket setting. The members were given autonomy over their food choices. Additional support was available, such as cooking demonstrations and recipes to encourage the members to cook healthy meals. The weekly themes and visiting services were based on input and requests from the members themselves. 

The overarching aim of the Food Club was to address food insecurity and promote community well-being by providing access to a reliable source of nutritious food and essential items, as well as wraparound support services in the area in a dignified and non-stigmatising manner. It also aimed to foster community engagement and support and to reduce food waste by incorporating surplus food from FoodCloud as well as food from local retailers and producers. 

The Food Club was a resounding success. 13 people attended each week on average, and almost a tonne of food was saved in landfills (58% of the food for the Food Club was provided by FoodCloud). The pilot provided savings for the participants of €30-€40 per week and helped to support people at risk of food insecurity. However, one of the strongest benefits of the food club was the social engagement and support it engendered. Providing food helped to engage participants who may not have attended the club or its wraparound services without this benefit. The Food Club also gave the members an opportunity to meet new people, and this was greatly appreciated. It provided a fantastic social outlet that otherwise was not available. 

An older woman and her husband had been very socially isolated as a result of their health issues making them vulnerable to Covid. This woman moved to the area in the past eight years but struggled to get to know other people and make friends in the area. Her daughter mentioned that she seems happier since attending the Food Club. She’s more social and is taking more interest in herself and her diet. It gave her something to look forward to during the week and a reason to get out of the house on a Thursday. 

This project was shortlisted for an Aontas Star award.  

Read More about how the Food Club worked in practice in the Project Report Here.

Northwest Partnership’s second Community Food Club will start on the 20th September 2024 in Finglas and will run as a 12 week program.

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